Coimbatore: The Tamil Nadu police on Wednesday arrested four kidnappers and rescued the personal assistant of a Tamil Nadu Minister Udumalai Radhakrishnan, who was abducted at knife-point in Udumalpet in Tirupur district.
Police said the Minister's PA Karnan has been traced by a team of police personnel and rescued. Further investigations are on.
Karnan, the personal assistant of Animal Husbandry Minister Udumalai Radhakrishnan, was sitting in the latter's office when the gang barged in, bundled the PA into a waiting car and sped away, the police said.
The entire incident was captured on a CCTV camera in the MLAs office. In the video footage, a four-member gang is seen parking their car outside the MLA’s office and three of them go inside, while the other one remains near the car.
A few minutes later, the three persons are seen dragging out Karnan and pushing him into their car. The kidnapping incident happened at around 11 am this afternoon.
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Senior police officials, including Tirupur DSP Disha Mittal and DSP Ravikumar, carried out an inquiry, they said.
While police are monitoring the CCTV footage in the office and nearby areas, vehicle-checks have been intensified on the Tirupur-Pollachi road. The motive behind the abduction will be known after the interrogation, police said.