Chennai: In a tragic incident, a father-daughter duo committed suicide while the man's wife is serious in the suicide attempt in Saligramam area of Tamil Nadu capital Chennai, officials said on Friday. While the police is investigating the incident to ascertain the actual cause of death, officials said that preliminary investigation has revealed that the family might have taken the extreme step due to losses in the the business to the man, who was a Siddha doctor.
While the man identified as Kangadharan(60) and his 24-year-old daughter died in the alleged suicide incident, Kangadharan's wife, who was working as a Superintendent of Highways, has been hospitalised and her condition is said to be critical, an official said. Soon after the incident, Virugambakkam police rushed to the spot to launch an investigation into the incident.
Also read: Maharashtra: Nine members of family found dead in Sangli
Police have also seized the mobile phone of the couple's daughter from the spot. A police official, who is part of the investigating team probing the deaths, said that the preliminary investigation into the case has ruled out any foul play. According to the police official, the family members might have taken the step after beign involved in a heated argument on Thursday night.
It also seems that the head of the family was under depression due to losses in the Siddha business. Police said that the couple had a quarrel over some issue, which escalated to the point that they took the extreme step. Police said that the seized mobile phone of the deceased daughter of the couple has revealed messages being sent to her friend about the frequent quarrels of her parents.
Police is probing all angles into the alleged suicides. The seized mobile phone has been handed over to the cyber police for further probe into the incident.
Suicide is not a solution: If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or need emotional support, someone is always there to listen. Call Sneha Foundation - 04424640050 (available 24x7) or iCall, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences' helpline - 9152987821, which is available Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm.