Chennai: Education in Tamil Nadu schools turned to television mode amid the coronavirus pandemic, with chief minister K Palaniswami launching the lessons for Classes X and XII to be telecast through the government's Kalvi Tholaikatchi (Education TV channel), on Tuesday.
The initiative will help the students keep pace with their lessons, as the schools, which were closed from March 17 as a preventive measure against the spread of coronavirus, are yet to reopen due to the spike in cases.
The chief minister launched the televised classes for Classes X and XII and plus two students of government, aide and private schools, from the Secretariat here.
The lessons will be telecast for two-and-a-half hours daily from Monday to Friday, an official release said.
Palaniswami also launched a scheme to provide free textbooks to 10th and 12th class students, in the presence of school education minister K A Senkgottaiyan and senior officials.
State board students who have been promoted to class 12 have been asked to utilise their laptops provided by the state government for free, to download audio-visual content of the curriculum.
The School Education Department runs the Kalvi Tholaikatchi channel offering video lessons for all levels contributed by senior teachers from across the state.
Meanwhile, C G Thomas Vaidyan, commissioner of the Department of School Education, who heads a 16-member committee of experts formed to finalise the revised syllabus for Tamil Nadu schools, submitted the report to the chief minister.
Also read: Tamil Nadu CM, staff test negative for coronavirus