Tiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu): Tamil Nadu police Monday arrested a deputy warden of a boys hostel under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The arrest took place after several students staying in the hostel at Chetpet township in Tiruvannamalai district complained of sexual harassment by the deputy warden.
Over a thousand students study in a boys' school near Chetpet. Of these, more than 100 students stay in hostels. The students alleged that the deputy warden often sexually harassed them following which several of them filed an online complaint with the Child Welfare Department.
Taking action, the police officials went to the hostel to investigate the matter and found the complaints to be true. Following it, the students filed a formal complaint at the Chetpet police station. The police based on the complaint arrested the deputy warden under the POCSO act. According to the police, the accused had threatened them with dire consequences if they informed anyone of his acts. Further investigation is underway.