Chennai: The BJP in Tamil Nadu on Tuesday lodged a complaint with the state police chief, seeking action against a video channel in the social media for allegedly posting derogatory remarks about Lord Muruga, stepping up pressure on the issue over which several Hindu outfits are up
in arms.
The party also announced a protest on Thursday, asking its members to hold demonstrations in front of their houses with a portrait of Lord Muruga to press the government to act against those behind the YouTube channel "Karuppar Koottam".
The channel has come under fire for making 'denigrating' remarks about "Kandha Sashti Kavacham", a Tamil hymn sung in praise of Lord Muruga, son of Lord Shiva, with some of the videos going viral in other social media.
On Tuesday, a BJP spokesperson said the state unit's youth wing lodged the complaint with the DGP's office against the "Karuppar Koottam" for "repeatedly insulting" Hindu Gods, including Lord Muruga, in its videos.
Meanwhile, BJP State President L Murugan slammed the YouTube channel for "maligning" Hindu practices and highlighted the sanctity of "Kanda Sashti Kavacham" and its significance for devotees.
Condemning the man behind the channel and seeking stringent action against him, BJP supporters should hold protests outside their homes on Thursday with a portrait of Lord Muruga, he said in a statement.
The party will stand firm against those trying to hurt the sentiments of devotees of the God, he added.
Earlier, the BJP and various Hindu organisations have filed a plaint against the channel with Coimbatore Collector in this connection.
In a memorandum to District Collector K Rajamani, representatives of the party's district unit and Hindu outfits have alleged a man in the YouTube channel made 'denigrating' remarks about "Kandha Sashti Kavacham", composed by Devaraya Swamigal. The party had also filed a complaint with the city police earlier.
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