Thoothukudi: The house of BJP State Vice-President Sasikala Pushpa in Tamil Nadu has been ransacked and the car parked in front of the house has been damaged, while she was away in Nagercoil to attend a meeting on Thursday. Stat BJP chief Annamalai took to Twitter and tweeted about the incident.
According to police, Kani Rathinaraj, Southern District Secretary of the BJP, lodged a complaint with the Thoothukudi Police Station. "In the complaint she stated, 13 people, including nine women, came in two autos and a two-wheeler and ransacked the house of BJP state vice-president Sasikala Pushpa and also broke the windshield of her car. The damage value of the said items would be around Rs 2.5 lakh. Therefore, a case should be registered against them and action should be taken."
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Based on the complaint, Assistant Inspector Ramakrishnan of SIPCOT Police Station has registered a case against 13 people. It may be recalled that a few days ago, DMK's minister Geetha Jeevan, during a meeting, made comments against Annamalai. In a retort, during an event in Thoothukudi, Sasikala Pushpa made scathing remarks on the ruling DMK and against Geetha Jeevan.