Virudhunagar: Following the Gauhati High Court's order directing the Tamil Nadu government to allow the Assam delegation team meet the elephant Jayamala, a team from Assam comprising top officials paid a visit to Tamil Nadu's Srivilliputhur in Virudhunagar district.
When the delegation arrived in Srivilliputhur on Monday, the elephant was busy taking a bath in a special bathing pool constructed for her at a cost of Rs 12 lakhs. The animal was seen splashing and rolling in the water much to the surprise of the visiting team.
The Assam team sought the details of the animal's health, and routine, among other things and took note of them from the mahouts and the authorities concerned. They also took stock of the pachyderm's health. Tamil Nadu officials said they would comply with the court direction and would furnish all the information that the visiting team may ask for.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) had recently alleged that elephant Jayamala was being tortured and kept captive at the Andal temple in Srivalliputhur in Chennai and urged the state governments to look into the elephant's well-being.
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Assam MK Yadava said: "Our team has experts who will examine the conditions of Joymala, and depending on that we will have a talk with the government about further steps."
Earlier, when the Tamil Nadu government officials denied the Assam delegation team's effort to meet Jayamala, two members of the team - Superintendent of Police Morigaon district, Aparna Natarajan and a renowned veterinarian of Assam K.K. Sarma had returned to Assam.
Assam had sent a four-member delegation team to inspect the situation and bring back the elephant after a purported video of Jayamala in a deplorable situation trickled out. (with Agency inputs)