Sivagangai (Tamil Nadu): In a brutal incident, wife and mother of a serving army personnel were killed in a suspected case of material gain in Sivagangai near Madurai, during the wee hours on Tuesday.
The deceased identified as Sneha (30) and her mother-in-law Raja Kumari (60), who were living at their native village in Mudukoorani of Kalaiyarkoil due to lockdown.
According to sources, Sneha's 7-months old girl child's continuous crying raised suspicion of neighbours but the murder came to light when Sneha's father-in-law Santhiyagu returned home after guarding their farm in the night. He alerted the cops and the neighbours.
On being informed about the incident, police reached the spot and sent the bodies to a nearby hospital for postmortem.
Preliminary inquiries reveal the number of assailants could be more than one and they have beaten the deceased with crowbars. The suspects had fled the scene decamping about 80 sovereigns of gold valuables and cash, police sources informed.
Sneha's husband Stephen is posted in Ladakh and has been intimated about the unfortunate turn of events at this home. Ramanathapuram Police SP Varun Kumar who is also holding additional charge of Sivaganga district visited the spot and further investigation is underway, sources added.
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