Udaipur: Bank notes worth more than Rs two lakh were allegedly damaged owing to termite infestation at a bank in Rajasthan's Udaipur on Friday. As per the bank officials the incident occurred as the customer, who had not accessed the deposited amount in some time, opened the locker and discovered termites covering various currency notes, including Rs 10, Rs 50 and Rs 500 denominations.
Speaking about the incident, Manoj Doda, brother of aggrieved customer Sunita Mehta, said they initially discovered termites covering bundles of Rs 10 and Rs 50. "We complained about the issue to the manager, who asked us to wait for three hours and subsequently got it replaced. However, when we took the bags home and closely inspected the notes, four bundles of Rs 500 wrapped in white cloth - which amounted to Rs 2,00,000 - also had been damaged by termites" he noted. Doda said, however, that further complaints to the Bank Manager did not come to any avail as the latter said he would inform higher officials, adding there were not any immediate recourses.
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Addressing the issue, bank manager Praveen Kumar said, "higher officials have been intimated as soon as the matter came to the fore. By summoning the customer later in the day, information has been received in order to resolve the issue". So far, higher bank officials have not reacted to the incident.