Jaipur: The anti-corruption bureau of Rajasthan on Wednesday arrested an executive engineer of the public works department in Chittorgarh district for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 4 lakh, officials said. The accused, Rajendra Prasad Lakhara, had demanded the bribe from a contractor in lieu of clearing his bills of Rs 1 crore, an ACB official said.
After verification of the complaint, a trap was laid and the accused was caught red-handed while accepting the bribe -- Rs 1.5 lakh cash and fake currency notes amounting to Rs 2.5 lakh. Lakhara has been arrested under the prevention of the Prevention of Corruption Act, the official said.
Earlier this year, in another case of corruption, an additional SP rank officer who was posted with the SOG of Rajasthan police was arrested by the anti-corruption bureau for allegedly demanding Rs 2 crore bribe from a drug manufacturer. The accused officer had, as per reports, threatened to implicate the pharma manufacturer in a seizure case that she was probing.
Additional SP Divya Mittal, who was arrested, was investigating a case of banned medicines, worth over Rs 16 crore, seized from Ajmer and Jaipur in 2021. The case was registered under various provisions of the NDPS Act.
Also read: Telangana University Vice-Chancellor caught red-handed while accepting bribe