Sirohi (Rajasthan): The Rajasthan police on Sunday seized more than Rs 3 crore cash from a car and arrested two accused in this connection. The action was initiated on the instructions of SP Jyeshta Maitreyi. A special vigil is being maintained and a blockade has been in place at the Maval post located on the Rajasthan-Gujarat border in the view of upcoming Assembly elections.
The police seized the cash under Section 102 and arrested the two accused, Naresh Kumar, son of Amrit Bhai, a resident of Gujarat's Santalpur, and Ajit Singh, son of Bhupat Singh, a resident of Gujarat's Kamboi district.
Also read: Karnataka assembly election: Cash, other valuables worth Rs 265 crore seized so far
Abu Road RIICO police station officer Suresh Chaudhary said, "In view of the upcoming Assembly elections, on the instructions of SP Jyeshta Maitreyi the action was taken. On Sunday, a car heading from Sirohi to Gujarat was stopped and when the driver was questioned whether there was any suspicious item in the car, he could not give a satisfactory answer."
"On suspicion from the expressions of the driver and the other person sitting in the car, a thorough search of the car was conducted. During the search, a box with a large amount of cash was recovered. Both the youths were taken into custody and brought to the police station. The car and the cash have been confiscated," Chaudhary said. Currently, the two arrested youths are being interrogated, he added.