Jaipur: In a sensational case, former Rajasthan minister and Congress leader Gopal Kesawat's daughter was abducted while she was buying vegetables at the NRI Circle in Jaipur on Monday. Kesawat registered a case at Pratapnagar police station and a probe is underway. Reportedly, Kesawat's 21-year-old daughter, Abhilasha went to the market on a Scooty at around 5:30 pm on Monday to buy vegetables at the NRI Circle. Moments later, her father received a call from her daughter, who claimed that some miscreants, were chasing her and asked him to come to her rescue immediately. Kesawat rushed to the spot, however, he could not locate his daughter or her Scooty. Her phone was also switched off.
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Following the incident, the Congress leader lodged a complaint at Pratapnagar police station and named a few suspects. Among those named include Gyan Singh, Harendra Singh, Bahadur Singh, Jai Singh, Shivraj Singh, Devendra Vijender and Radha. Police started an investigation on Monday and recovered his daughter's Scooty near the Jaipur Airport. At present, the police are investigating the matter based on the CCTV footage. "So far, nothing suspicious has been found in the CCTV footage. We're enquiries the locals," police said.