Jaipur: Rajasthan Intelligence officials on Friday arrested a class IV employee on charges of espionage. The accused identified as Ravi Prakash Meena, a resident of Sapotra Karauli, working as a Class IV employee in Sena Bhawan in Delhi was apprehended by Rajasthan CID Intelligence on Friday.
According to Umesh Mishra, Director General of Rajasthan CID Intelligence, during surveillance, it came to the notice that Meena was in constant touch with Pakistani intelligence handlers through social media.
“When the CID Intelligence team monitored the activities of Ravi Prakash, it came to light that he was sharing all the important information to the Pakistani female agent through social media after getting honey-trapped and getting lured by the money,” Mishra said. He said that during the joint interrogation of the accused Meena by the CID Intelligence, Military Intelligence, Central Bureau of Intelligence, and other intelligence agencies, it came to light that Ravi Prakash Meena was in touch with the female Pakistani agent through WhatsApp and Facebook for a long time.
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He was posted in Delhi Sena Bhawan in 2015. During interrogation, the accused said that the Pakistani female agent had said that she was working in the army, stating her name as Anjali Tiwari, a resident of West Bengal. The agent had demanded all the important documents through honeytrap and money.
Meena had received the money in his bank account for sending confidential documents related to the army as sought by the Pakistani woman agent. According to Mishra, after interrogating the accused Meena, and technical analysis of his mobile phone, a case has been registered against the accused under the Official Secrets Act. Further probe into the case is going on.