Jaipur: At least 15 pigs were found dead in a drain in the Malviya Nagar area of Jaipur on Wednesday triggering fears of African Swine fever. Soon after the bodies were spotted in the drain, people started speculating about an outbreak of Lumpy Skin disease in the pigs. However, veterinarians ruled out the Lumpy Skin disease in pigs and said it could be African Swine fever.
Soon after the incident, the officers of the local Municipal Corporation, including the Mayor, Deputy Mayor of the Greater Municipal Corporation, inspected the spot. The bodies of the pigs were recovered from the drain and samples have been sent for testing. The Animal Management Branch has been instructed to be alert in case African Swine Fever is confirmed in the tests.
Also read: Over 90 pigs die in Mizoram village, panic over ASF suspicion
Authorities declared the spot a restricted area as a precautionary measure. Due to African Swine fever, pigs are dying in many states of the country. In such a situation, the administration of many states. With the vaccine for this disease not yet available, a campaign to kill pigs suffering from African Swine fever is also being run in states like Bihar and Uttarakhand.
After the death of pigs due to African Swine fever in Haryana, the disease is spreading rapidly in other places as well. According to the Indian Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Research, in August 2019, for the first time in India, the virus was spread in Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and Arunachal Pradesh. This disease does not spread from pigs to humans, but reaches pigs from one place to another through humans. Veterinarians have recommended hand hygiene to contain the spread of the virus.