Jodhpur: Unidentified miscreants robbed Rs 81 lakh from a businessman in Phalodi town of Rajasthan's Jodhpur district on Friday. The incident took place in broad daylight, but no one tried to stop the miscreants. Police teams have been formed and a search has been started to nab the robbers. "Around 4:15 pm, businessman Ramesh Gulecha withdrew Rs 50 lakhs from Bank of Baroda and other banks as well. He was going home on a scooter with a bag containing a total of Rs 81 lakhs. Meanwhile, four miscreants, who were travelling in a car, intercepted Ramesh, who was riding a scooter near SMB School. They alighted from the car and snatched his bag. He tried to stop them, however, they pushed him and fled," said SP Anil Kayal.
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The businessman said that he suspected that the people in the car followed him from the bank. Later, when the police checked the CCTV footage, it came to light that the robbers were constantly stalking him. Meanwhile, police registered a case based on a complaint lodged by Ramesh. Later, they launched a man-hunt to nab the robbers.