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Locust army from Pakistan ravages oilseeds, cumin crops in Rajasthan

Swarms of locusts have caused extensive damage to rabi crops in many villages in Rajasthan's Jodhpur district. With the authorities unsuccessful in countering the menace, the farmers are left to fend for themselves.

Locust army from Pakistan ravages oilseed, cumin crops in Rajasthan's Jodhpur
Locust army from Pakistan ravages oilseed, cumin crops in Rajasthan's Jodhpur
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Published : Jan 7, 2020, 1:52 PM IST

Updated : Jan 7, 2020, 4:11 PM IST

Jodhpur: Since May, farmers in western Rajasthan have been badly hit by locust attack. Many Kharif and Rabi crops have been damaged under threat of locus attacks, even after district authorities working on combating the menace by sprinkling pesticides.

A week before, the farmers of Barmer whose crops have been ravaged due to a locust attack, and now with the direction of the wind, the locust has entered the Luni village of Jodhpur.

Along with Luni village, a nearby Ajit village of Barmar has also been affected.

The farmers have faced heavy losses as locust has ravaged oilseeds, cumin seeds, which is one of the expensive seeds was destroyed overnight.

Locust army from Pakistan ravages oilseeds, cumin crops in Rajasthan

Moreover, farmers say that the government pesticides are not sufficient enough to protect it from the locust attack.

Teams carrying equipment have been rushed to the villages to spray high-intensity malathion insecticide to prevent the spread of locusts to other areas.

The villagers are taking all the efforts from playing music to staying up all night to protest their field.

"No such attack has taken place in our fields in the past 15 years. But this time the locusts have destroyed all our crops. We demand the government to give us electricity and to waive off loans. The government should also give us some compensation so that we can survive," said a farmer.

In the month of December 2019, the locusts, known as tiddis locally, had wreaked havoc on standing crops of castor, cumin, jatropha, cotton, and potato, and fodder grass in around 20 talukas.

Also Read: Yet another locust invasion in Kutch district of Gujarat

Jodhpur: Since May, farmers in western Rajasthan have been badly hit by locust attack. Many Kharif and Rabi crops have been damaged under threat of locus attacks, even after district authorities working on combating the menace by sprinkling pesticides.

A week before, the farmers of Barmer whose crops have been ravaged due to a locust attack, and now with the direction of the wind, the locust has entered the Luni village of Jodhpur.

Along with Luni village, a nearby Ajit village of Barmar has also been affected.

The farmers have faced heavy losses as locust has ravaged oilseeds, cumin seeds, which is one of the expensive seeds was destroyed overnight.

Locust army from Pakistan ravages oilseeds, cumin crops in Rajasthan

Moreover, farmers say that the government pesticides are not sufficient enough to protect it from the locust attack.

Teams carrying equipment have been rushed to the villages to spray high-intensity malathion insecticide to prevent the spread of locusts to other areas.

The villagers are taking all the efforts from playing music to staying up all night to protest their field.

"No such attack has taken place in our fields in the past 15 years. But this time the locusts have destroyed all our crops. We demand the government to give us electricity and to waive off loans. The government should also give us some compensation so that we can survive," said a farmer.

In the month of December 2019, the locusts, known as tiddis locally, had wreaked havoc on standing crops of castor, cumin, jatropha, cotton, and potato, and fodder grass in around 20 talukas.

Also Read: Yet another locust invasion in Kutch district of Gujarat


Body:बाड़मेर के रास्ते भी टिड्डियों का जोधपुर के खेतों की फसल पर हमला -टिड्डियां भागने के लिए किसान खेतों में कर रहे है जतन जोधपुर। जोधपुर जिले में पहले जैसलमेर से लगते इलाके में टिड्डी का हमला हुआ था। अब जिले के बाड़मेर से लगती लूनी तहसील के लगते क्षेत्र में बीती रात से टिड्डी दल की आंख मिचौली चल रही है कभी टिड्डियां हवा के साथ जोधपुर के  लूनी घुस जाती है तो कभी बाड़मेर के गॉंवों में। लूनी के धुंधाड़ा भानवास के साथ बाड़मेर के अजीत गांव के खेतों पर टिड्डी मंडराती नजर आती है। इसके अलावा जगह जगह अधमरी टिड्डियां के ढेर नजर आते है। रातभर में टिड्डियों ने इलाके में बोई गई जीरे की फसल को चट कर दिया।।जीरे की सबसे मंहगी फसल होने से किसानों को भारी नुकसान हुआ है। खास बात यह है कि सरकारी कीटनाशक भी पूरी तरह से कारगर साबित नही हो रहा है। टिड्डियों से बचने के लिए किसान टायर जला कर धुंआ कर रहे है। इसके अलावा  खेतों में म्यूजिक सिस्टम की गूंज सुनाई देती है जो कि सामान्यतः जागरण में लगते है। इसके अलावा कनस्तर, थाली, बाजे बजाते पूरे परिवार नजर आते है। जिनकी पीड़ा है कि खेत चट हो रहे है कुछ बच जाए तो जीवन चल जाएगा। टिड्डी दल की सूचना जोधपुर कलेक्टर को मिलने के बाद उन्होंने लूनी एसडीएम गोपाराम परिहार को सीमावर्ती इलाके में भेज दिया। परिहार के साथ तहसीलदार, कृषि अधिकारी व टिड्डी नियंत्रण विभाग के कर्मचारी तैनात है लेकिन इनके संसाधन सीमित हैं टीवी से प्रभावित इलाके के किसानों की मांग है कि सरकार उन्हें मुआवजा दें और जो खर्चा उन्होंने वीडियो से निपटने में किया है और जो लगातार उनकी फसल सेट हुई है उसके लिए गिरदावरी करवाएं इलाके में जीरे इसबगोल और अरंडी की फसल को बड़ा नुकसान हुआ है एक अनुमान के मुताबिक करीब जिले में 50,000 से अधिक बीघा की फसल टिड्डियां चट कर चुकी। बाईट 1 राजेश कुमार, किसान बाईट 2 श्रवण, किसान बाईट 3 राकेस बाईट 4 हीराराम, किसान बाईट 5 किसान बाईट 6 बाबूलाल किसान बाईट 7 गोपाराम परिहार, sdm लूनी

Last Updated : Jan 7, 2020, 4:11 PM IST
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