Churu: Police in Rajasthan's Churu district have registered a case against four unknown persons who looted nearly 17 kg of gold worth Rs five crores and Rs nine lakh cash from a branch of Manappuram Gold Loan company within 12 minutes on Monday. The heavily armed robbers thrashed the staff before locking them in the bathroom. The incident took place near Shyam Cinema Hall in Churu District Headquarters.
After scanning CCTV footage of nearby areas it was revealed that the bike-borne miscreants broke the alarm of the branch, cut off the wires of the CCTV cameras and closed the main entrance during the theft. Police official Narayan Togas directed Kotwali police and Sadar police to launch a hunt to nab the thieves.
Read:| Gunmen loot over Rs 60 lakh from Jammu and Kashmir Bank cash van
Police are collecting all possible evidence with the help of the Forensic team.