Ajmer: Four children died in Rajasthan's Ajmer on Saturday after their mother jumped into a well with them over family discord, said police officials. While the mother was rescued later on, the children perished inside the well.
The incident took place on Friday night after Matia Devi (32) had a dispute with her husband's family, following which she took the drastic step, noted Mangaliyawas Police Station In-Charge Sunil Tada. The eldest among the children was four-year-old while the youngest aged one month. While three bodies were initially recovered, the body of the newborn was fished out on Saturday morning.
They were subsequently taken for post-mortem. Matia Devi has been battling depression for a long time, and her husband Boduram Gurjar mentioned in his statement that she was often under stress, stated ASI Hoshiyar Singh.