Jodhpur: The Rajasthan High Court on Tuesday received a petition against the title of Arjun Kapoor starer movie Kuttey, demanding a change in its title. A girl, also the daughter of an Additional SP in Rajasthan Police, has filed this petition stating that it 'demeans the police community'.
"The story of the film revolves around the police force, which has also been shown in the trailer. The title of the film has been linked to the entire police community. The poster released has 'dogs' depicted on the faces of the police officials," the petition reads. The High Court has agreed to hear the petition on January 12.
Advocate Dipesh Beniwal, representing the officer's daughter, said that the petition in no way opposes the freedom of expression. "But it is quite likely that the right to live with dignity can be violated under Article 21 of the Constitution. That is the chief reason why the petition has been filed," he said.
The movie 'Kuttey' to be released on January 13, is directed by Vishal Bhardwaj's son Aasman Bhardwaj. The actors who played key roles in the movie include Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Konkona Sen, and Naseeruddin Shah. Due to the dialogues and other scenes of the film, it has been issued an A-category certificate.
The freedom of expression through movies is being frequently challenged citing a variety of reasons in the past few years in India. Recently, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra had expressed objection to Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone's song 'Besharam Rang' from the movie 'Pathaan' citing problem with the usage of the saffron color in the song. The movie has since been mired in controversy.