Jaipur (Rajasthan): The Rajasthan police arrested five accused, including a sub-inspector of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), for allegedly smuggling elephant tusks weighing over 16 kg on Tuesday. The Savina police of Udaipur district carried out an operation on the directive of the Crime Branch Special Team of Rajasthan Police Headquarters.
Two tusks were recovered from the CRPF SI Rahul Meena's house. The estimated value of the tusks in the market is Rs 3 crore. The five arrested accused have been identified as Rahul Meena, a resident of Alwar, Amit Singh Gurjar, a resident of Dosa, Arjun Singh Meena, a resident of Bharatpur, Sanjay Singh Meena and Rita Shah.
According to Additional Director General of Police (ADG) Dinesh MN, on Saturday, on the information of CID Crime Branch, Savina police station arrested five ivory smugglers. An elephant tusk weighing eight kg was recovered from Meena's house on Saturday. However, on Monday, another tusk weighing eight kg was recovered from his house.
Also read: Army jawan, Sikkim Police constable among five held with elephant tusk in West Bengal's Darjeeling
"Rahul Meena is an SI in CRPF. The accused had completed his training from Coimbatore in July 2023 and is currently posted in the Sopore district of Kashmir. After taking leave in August, he bought ivory from smugglers in Coimbatore and brought it to Rajasthan. However, the tusks have been recovered and the accused was arrested," the ADG said. The police interrogation revealed that the accused CRPF SI had smuggled ivory in the greed of earning huge money. Currently, the police are interrogating the accused.