Jodhpur: Amid an excitement over the scheduled soft landing of India's third lunar mission Chandrayaan-3, a paramedical worker in Rajasthan's Jodhpur has bought one acre of land on the moon, sources said. Meena Bishnoi, a nursing officer at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Jodhpur has bought an acre of land on the moon for her two daughters through Luna Society International.
The Luna Society has also issued a certificate of the lunar land to Meena. In the certificate, the land bought by Meena is located in the lacus felicitatis (lake of happiness) region of the moon. The location of the area has been shown as 18.72 degrees North and 5.02 East. The registration has been done on Aug. 19. Talking about the deal, the paramedical officer Meena said that she has bought the land on the lunar surface for her two daughters.
Also read: Himachal man gifts land on moon to wife on birthday
“I do not consider them a burden. I will make them so educated and successful that one day they are able to travel to the moon,” Meena said. Meena did not disclose the amount she paid for the acre of land near the Lake of Happiness in a colony envisioned by the Luna Society on the moon. Meena is probably the first woman from Rajasthan who has bought land on the moon.
Earlier, Dharmendra of Ajmer had gifted land on the surface of the moon to his wife. Meena said she bought the land on the moon with the help of a friend based in Ireland. I made up my mind to buy the land and my husband also agreed to this,” she said. Pertinently, many celebrities have bought land on the moon, although it is believed that buying land on the moon is not valid under international space law.
But Luna Society and International Luna Lands Registry Company claim to be selling land on the moon. In India, many VIPs including film actor Shah Rukh Khan, late Sushant Singh Rajput, stock market analyst Rajeev Bagdi, Lalit Mohta, Vijay Katheria have joined the club to buy land on the moon.