Chandigarh: Punjabi actor-turned-activist Deep Sidhu has attacked Yogendra Yadav, one of the key figures in the ongoing farmers' protest against three recently cleared Agricultural laws. Deep Sidhu said that the farmers are fighting against the agriculture laws from day one. This the reason why several farmers' organisations denied space or allow the involvement of political parties and leaders.
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He further added the Yogendra Yadav is not a farmer leader. He has joined the farmers' protest due to his politics. Deep Sidhu further added that Yogendra Yadav is speaking the language of Union Home Minister Amit Shah. He added when farmers marched towards Delhi in November 2020 to protest against the agriculture laws, Yogendra Yadav was announcing to take the protest to Burari ground. He further alleged that Yogendra Yadav was speaking on behalf of the Modi government.
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Deep Sidhu is among the 16 named in Delhi Police's charge sheet on the Republic Day violence in Delhi including vandalising the Red Fort. He is currently released on bail.
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