Amritsar (Punjab): Two masked robbers on Thursday looted around Rs 22 lakhs from a Punjab National Bank (PNB) branch in broad daylight here on the Rani Ka Bagh Main Road of Amritsar. On receiving the information, the police rushed to the spot and started examining the CCTV cameras installed in the bank. In the CCTV footage, a robber is seen pointing a pistol at the cashier and threatening him to fill their bag with cash subsequently another robber stood by the entrance to keep an eye.
The robbers then fled from the spot on a Scooty within a few minutes. The police officer, PS Virk, said that as the information reached the police, they rushed to the spot and launched a probe into the robbery. He further stated that though the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police is a stone's throw away distance and Police DC and Police Commissioner are 500 meters away from the bank, the robbers carried out the robbery without fear.
Also read: Robbers flee with 100 kg gold, sliver ornaments in Rajasthan's Baran
The police officer claimed that neither there was no security arrangement in the bank nor was there any security guard present in the bank, but the police commenced a thorough probe into the burglary and the robbers will soon be behind the bars. An eyewitness said, "When I came to the bank for some work, I was stopped outside the bank by a local and he told me that two youths are robbing the bank at gunpoint."