Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday said that the probe into the murder of singer Sidhu Moosewala was taking place in collaboration with authorities of three to four states. Mann emphasized the security of the state, noting gangsters 'would not be spared at any cost'. The comment came while the CM was rallying for Gurmel Singh, the AAP candidate for upcoming assembly by-elections in the Sangrur constituency.
"Gangsters have created nexus in three-four states. Gangsters will not be spared at any cost. The situation in Punjab will not be allowed to deteriorate. The accused have been arrested in different states. Whatever propaganda is being spread by Opposition parties is the result of their frustration" he said.
Also read: Breakthrough in Sidhu Moosewala murder case: Delhi police arrest two main shooters
"Gurmel Singh is from 'aam ghar' (common background) and is the Sarpanch of the village, but other parties' candidates are from influential people," he said. Mann added that he was seeking votes in the name of issues such as health, education, unemployment, farming, cheap electricity, promotion of trade, and restoration of agriculture. "We only do development politics, no other brand of politics," the CM stated.