Mansa: Balkaur Singh, father of slain Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala, said on Sunday that it was the late singer's dream to have a world-class hospital in his village, Moosa. Addressing well-wishers who regularly visit the Moose Wala household to pay tribute, Singh also thanked the late singer's followers on behalf of the family for their support.
"Sidhu Moose Wala's dream was to build a hospital with modern facilities in Moosa, where every disease could be easily treated. The dream, however, could not be fulfilled," Singh said, appealing at the same time to not create any disruptions. "No one should face any problems, we will fight in a good manner," he further noted.
Also read: Indian and Pak soldiers perform Bhangra to Sidhu Moosewala song
The later singer's father also noted that the case was expected to drag on for a long time, as several associated with the case were abroad. "It has been close to four months of tough times. We thank you for the candle marches conducted earlier. This fight will take a long time because people sitting abroad are involved in this matter," he stated.