Chandigarh: The Punjab vigilance department has sought bank account details of Congress MLA from Gurdaspur Barindermeet Singh Pahra and his family members. It was not immediately known what the case was all about with police calling the letter a “secret affair”. Police are probing over the leak of the letter.
Also read: Punjab Agri Minister orders vigilance probe into Rs 150 crore farm scam
In the letter written to the Punjab National Bank on October 3, DSP Nirmal Singh of the Vigilance Department has sought the bank account details of MLA Barindermeet Singh Pahra, his brother Baljit Singh Pahra of Nagar, father Gurmeet Singh Pahra, who is a member of the Punjab executive of the Congress and has been the chairman of Labor Cell Punjab, besides the bank accounts of the wife and other relatives.
DSP Nirmal Singh of the Vigilance Department when asked about the letter, said it was a “secret matter” without divulging further details. Vigilance SSP Varinder Kumar said that the letter was leaked by a bank employee, which will be investigated.