Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann's media advisor Baltej Pannu had a close shave on Monday when the car he was driving was hit by a truck. The truck hit Pannu's car when it (truck) was coming in the opposite direction. Fortunately, he escaped unhurt in the accident.
The vehicle was damaged in the accident. Baltej Pannu was driving his car on the Main Road and heading to his house in Patiala on Monday morning when the accident took place. The truck was coming from the opposite direction and scraped through the car on the driver's side of the vehicle. The accident was not reported to the police.
The truck driver was talking over the mobile when the accident happened. No complaint was lodged with the police in this regard, sources said. Baltej Pannu at the age of 18 had shifted to Canada, along with his father. He was working there. In 2011, Baltej Pannu returned to India after working for 25 years in Canada. He was associated with social service organisations and has several years of experience in the field of journalism. During the farmers' movement on the Delhi-Haryana border, he wrote several articles highlighting their plight and the government's excesses on them.