Chandigarh: The Aam Aadmi Clinics launched by the Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann-led Punjab government to make the state a healthy and disease-free state completed almost a year and over 44 lakh patients have visited these clinics.
Punjab Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr Balbir Singh said that patients have benefited and over 20 lakh patients have been tested free of charge. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann dedicated 75 Aam Aadmi Clinics on August 15, 2022. Out of these 583 Aam Aadmi Clinics, 180 Aam Aadmi Clinics are located in urban areas while 403 are located in rural areas.
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Balbir Singh further said that after the success of the Aam Aadmi Clinics, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann will dedicate another 76 Aam Aadmi Clinics to the people of the state on August 14, 2023, a day before 76th Independence Day, taking the total number to 659.
He added that 80 types of medicines and 38 types of tests are done free of charge.
300 house surgeons to strengthen emergency services: He said that each clinic has a medical officer, pharmacist, clinic assistant and grade 4/helper. All the clinics are IT-based and each clinic has a provision of a one-one tablet for the Medical Officer, Pharmacist and Clinic Assistant. He said that registration of patients, prescription of medicine and distribution of medicines are being done only through these tablets. He added that the state government has appointed 300 house surgeons to strengthen emergency services in the district and sub-divisional hospitals.