Chandigarh: Punjab police chief Siddharth Chattopadhyaya, who was given the charge late Thursday night, has transferred 77 police officers days after the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sushil Chandra had a detailed meeting with senior police officers in Chandigarh.
Those transferred have been asked to report at their new places of posting immediately.
The effect of the reshuffle of officers was seen more in Jalandhar, Amritsar and Ludhiana.
Along with this, the Border Range Police Station too has been changed.
This move has stirred even those senior police officers of Punjab who were placed in a same district or city for a long time
Earlier this week, Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra had a 4-hour long meeting in Chandigarh with all the district SSPs and police commissioners.
On December 15, the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) had asked the Election Commission of India to review all postings and transfers of SSPs and DSPs who, it alleged, had been placed by the Congress government with an ulterior motive of influencing the outcome of the upcoming assembly elections.