Chandigarh: Former Punjab Cabinet Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu has once again targeted the Akali Dal regarding the ongoing power crisis in Punjab. In a series of tweets, Sidhu wrote that till the time the Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) are not abolished, the hollow promises of free electricity have no meaning. In his fresh tweets on the issue of power reforms in Punjab, Sidhu has slammed the previous government of Akali Dal led by Parkash Singh Badal.
Sidhu in one of his tweets wrote, "The PPA has mandated Punjab to pay fixed charges for 100% of the generation, while other states do not pay more than 80%. In Punjab, the cost of electricity should be reduced to Rs 1.20 per unit.
Also Read: Navjot Sidhu tweets on the issue of electricity in Punjab
In another tweet, Sidhu has slammed the PPAs, saying, "PPAs are based on the wrong estimation of power demand in the state. The peak demand of 13,000-14,000 MW is only for four months while the demand in the state during non-peak months come down to 5,000-6,000 MW, but PPAs have been designed and signed to pay the fixed cost of peak demand.
Slamming the Akali Dal, Sidhu said, "These PPAs are yet another example of the corruption of the Badal family, which has been made to give corrupt benefits to the Badal family without thinking for the welfare of Punjabis."
Also Read: Punjab Power Crisis: Sidhu demands new legislation to scrap Badal-signed PPAs
Navjot Singh Sidhu is clamouring for leadership change in Punjab and is currently involved in a confrontation with Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh. Sidhu recently met with Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi in Delhi. Meanwhile, Captain Amarinder Singh too has declared that his government is taking the legal course to scrap the PPA. The Punjab CM is currently in Delhi, where he will have a meeting with Sonia Gandhi at her residence, 10 Janpath.
Also Read: Power Crisis: Captain slams Kejriwal for making false promises on 'Free Power'