Chandigarh: A couple alleged to be the kingpins of the multi-crore Ludhiana robbery incident has been arrested from Uttarakhand, a Punjab Police official said on Saturday. Those arrested were identified as fugitive Mandeep Kaur and her husband Jaswinder Singh, said Director General of Police (DGP) Gaurav Yadav.
Police had earlier arrested six people in the robbery case and recovered Rs 5.75 crore from their possession. Armed robbers had decamped with cash stated to be more than Rs 8 crore from the office of CMS Securities a cash management services company in Ludhiana's New Rajguru Nagar locality on June 10 after overpowering security guards.
In a tweet, DGP Yadav said, "Proud of @Ludhiana_Police & Counter Intelligence unit to solve the CMS Cash Robbery Case after arresting fugitive Mandeep Kaur @ Mona & her Husband Jaswinder Singh from #Uttarakhand. Kingpin of #LudhianaCashVanRobbery arrested in less than 100 hrs." "Police teams used a professional & scientific approach to solve the multi-crore robbery," he added.
Earlier, a major incident of robbery has come to light where a group of miscreants looted around Rs 7 crore from a security firm's office and fled with a cash van after keeping the security guard and other employees hostage in Ludhiana's Rajguru Nagar area. The incident took place at 1:30 am.
Around 10 armed robbers entered the office of the security agency CMS that provides service to different banks and operates from its main office in Rajguru Nagar. After that two robbers entered from the main entrance and the remaining took the back door. The robbers locked the employees and the security guard inside a room and took away the cash that was kept in the office. They then fled from the spot in a cash van, police said. (PTI)