Ludhiana: The Income Tax department on Thursday conducted raids on leading jewellers in Punjab's Ludhiana. Several teams from the department simultaneously raided the premises of the leading names Nikkamal Jewellers, Sardar Jewellers and Mani Ram Balwant Rai Jewellers, including the houses and showrooms.
Meanwhile, the Income Tax is also conducting raids in Dehradun and Rishikesh. Raids are being done simultaneously at 11 places in Dehradun and six places in Rishikesh. Premises of a few real estate businessmen and those related to buying and selling of land are being raided.
Also read: About Rs 400 cr tax deposited by filing updated ITRs so far
Income Tax raids are going on at MJ Residency and real estate businessmen including Manjeet Johar Raj Lumba, Mehta Brothers, Bhatia, Naveen Mittal and Nitin Gupta. Those who are facing the Income Tax raids are lying here are all connected to the business of the real estate.