Chandigarh: Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who was remanded to judicial custody by a Delhi Court in an extortion case on Wednesday, was shifted to high security Bathinda Central Jail in Punjab later in the night, sources said. Bishnoi was remanded to judicial custody by Delhi's Saket Court on Wednesday in the extortion case after his three-day police custody expired.
Sources said that Bishnoi was brought from Delhi and lodged at Bathinda Central Jail in Punjab at around 1 am at night. Strict security arrangements were made in and around the central jail in order to prevent any untoward situation. It can be recalled that on June 9, Tihar Jail officials in Delhi filed an application in the Patiala Court demanding that Lawrence be shifted to Bathinda Central Jail due to security reasons.
Also read: Delhi court remands Lawrence Bishnoi to judicial custody in extortion case
The jail administration argued that most of the cases against Lawrence are registered in Punjab and Rajasthan, so he should be sent to Bathinda Jail for smooth proceedings. The court approved the request of the Tihar Jail administration. Once the police remand ended on June 14, the Delhi Police arrived at Bathinda Central Jail with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi at midnight and the jail administration completed the legal process at around 1 o'clock.
Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi has been lodged at Bathinda's Central Jail after 2014. On June 11, the Saket court extended the police custody of Lawrence Bishnoi by four more days in connection with the case of allegedly extorting Rs 2 crore from a Delhi businessman. Meanwhile, Lawrence's lawyer Vishal Chopra said that the court has accepted the demand of the Tihar Jail administration that Lawrence should be sent from Mandoli Jail in Delhi to Bathinda Jail in Punjab.