Chandigarh (Punjab): The three accused arrested in the Chandigarh University video case were sent to 7-day police custody by Kharar court on Monday. The three accused, including one girl, arrested on Sunday, were produced before the court on Monday. The two male accused are from Shimla. A case was registered against them under section 354C and sections of the IT Act.
Police sought the remand to recover the devices that may have been used to send the purported videos. There was a heavy police deployment outside the court premises as the police brought the trio over. Meanwhile, Chandigarh University will remain closed till September 24 as students continued their protests over alleged objectionable videos of several inmates of girls hostel that were leaked on the internet.
Also read: Chandigarh University row: Punjab CM constitutes 3-member all-women SIT probe
The protesting students also claimed that after the videos went viral, some girl students staying in the hostel attempted suicide. However, police refuted such claims. The varsity authorities have suspended classes for six days till September 24. Visuals from the campus CCTV footage showed several students carrying their luggage as they left the premises and headed home. Also as per the students' demands, the wardens and staff of Girls Hostel have been suspended.