Hoshiarpur: Union Minister of State Som Parkash had to face a tough time on Thursday when protesting farmers attacked his car in Punjab's Hoshiarpur district. As per the report, the incident took place when the minister was on a visit to the district and passing through the Chabbewal region. The protestors attacked the car with sticks but the minister escaped unhurt.
The agitated farmers said that it has been seven months since the farmers' protest began demanding the repeal of the three farm laws passed by Parliament but the government has not taken any initiative on the matter. Condemning the attack on Prakash's car, a BJP leader from Hoshiarpur said that protesters should refrain from indulging in such activities and the central government is ready to listen to their demands.
Another BJP leader and former Hoshiarpur MLA Tikshan Sud alleged that the minister's car was not attacked by farmers but by some anti-social elements backed by Congress. Meanwhile, Police officer Satwinder Singh said the minister's car was attacked by agitating farmers but the police, fulfilling their responsibilities, took out his car safely.
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