Chennai: In a major breakthrough for the Punjab police, a 36-year-old businessman from Punjab, who was absconding in a financial fraud case for the last six years was detained at the Chennai airport on Thursday, officials said. The accused has been identified as Kuljit Singh from Punjab. According to official sources, the accused was detained when he was about to board a flight to Malaysia on Thursday night.
However, when the officials at the Chennai airport checked his passport documents, it came to light that he was an absconder searched by the Punjab State Police for six years. It is learnt that Singh is wanted in a financial fraud case. According to an official, the fraud case was registered by the Economic Offenses Division of the Punjab State Police in 2017.
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As soon as the authorities at the Chennai airport came across the accused, they cancelled his trip to Malaysia and detained him at the airport. In the meantime, the airport authorities contacted the Punjab police over the matter. A special team from the Punjab police has been sent to Tamil Nadu that would soon arrive in Chennai to take Kuljith into their custody.
However, Singh dodged the probe of the Punjab police all these years. He managed to give a slip to the police for the last six years even as the Punjab police had issued a lookout notice against him. It is learnt that the Punjab police had issued a lookout circular (LoC) to all the international airports against Singh.It is being said that the accused Kuljith Singh was trying to escape and settle in Malaysia. The arrest of the accused Kuljit Singh is said to be a major success in the financial fraud case.