New Delhi: The CBI has arrested former honorary secretary of Odisha Cricket Association, Ashirbad Behera from Cuttack in connection with a probe into a ponzi scam involving the Artha Tatwa (AT) group, officials said on Thursday.
The agency has arrested Behera on the basis of a non-bailable warrant issued by a special court in the case, they said.
It had filed a supplementary charge sheet on August 27 making Behera an accused in the case, they added.
In its charge sheet, the agency has alleged that the Association, through Behera, the then honorary secretary, acted in a criminal conspiracy with the Artha Tatwa group and promoted it to boost its credibility in the eyes of the public, they said.
It helped in attracting more investment in the different Ponzi schemes floated by the Artha Tatwa group.
It is alleged that the accused received a sum of Rs one crore (approx.) from the said group of companies in the garb of sponsorship of the Odisha Ranjit Cricket Team and title sponsorship of Odisha Premier League, 2011.