Mayurbhanj: In a shocking incident, two drunk men have been accused of consuming human flesh collected from a crematorium in Odisha, officials said on Wednesday. The shocking incident has been reported from Dantunibindha village under Badasahi block of Mayurbhanj district. As per initial reports, the villagers had taken the body of a 25-year-old girl, who died of some illness, to the crematorium for conducting the funeral.
It is alleged that two men took a large piece of the half-charred body and consumed it. Both the accused were brutally thrashed after the villagers came to know about the incident, local sources said. Later, the villagers handed over the duo to the police. An official while confirming the incident said that both the accused men have been detained by police and they are being interrogated in the cas.
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However, no comments could be obtained from the police personnel over the incident. One of the relatives of the deceased said that both the accused men noticed that some portion of the body was not fully burnt. “Later, they chopped the flesh into some pieces and initially claimed to again throw it into the pyre but they took some pieces and consumed it,” alleged the relative.
Sanjay Kumar Parida, IIC, Badasahi police station said that the two accused have been detained for the act. “They committed the act in an inebriated state. Sundar Mohan Singh, one of the accused, is a sorcerer. He did so under the influence of liquor and confessed to his actions. Investigation is underway,” said Parida.