Bhubaneswar: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Monday laid the foundation stone for the Rs 6,225 crore Bhubaneswar Metro Rail project. Before laying the foundation stone at Ratagada Lenka Sahi near Trisulia, Patnaik held a roadshow on the 26 km route of the proposed metro project. People stood on both sides of the road and different groups performed traditional folk dance and music to welcome the chief minister during the roadshow.
"Apan Mane Khusi Ta (Are you happy)", Patnaik asked the people gathered on the occasion. "Today (Jan 1, 2024) will remain in the history of Odisha's development. As promised earlier, we are laying the foundation stone of the metro rail project", he said.
Stating that this is the state government's single largest investment made in any infrastructure project in Odisha's history, Patnaik said that this is also the flagship project of Odisha under the 5T (transformational) initiative. Patnaik said the project will have 20 stations covering 26 km from Bhubaneswar airport to Trishulia. The chief minister said that he has asked for the preparation of a master plan for the extension of metro rail to Khurda, Puri and Cuttack.
The project will be completed in four years and will provide an easy transport facility from Bhubaneswar airport to Cuttack via Trishulia and strengthen urban mobility in the state. As per the DPR (detailed project report), the project will connect Biju Patnaik International Airport (BPIA) here with Trisulia Square in the first phase. The project will be carried out with an expenditure of Rs 6,255 crore by the state government.
The 20 stations are Biju Patnaik International Airport (BPIA), Capital Hospital, Sishu Bhawan, Bapuji Nagar, Bhubaneswar Railway Station, Ram Mandir Square, Vani Vihar, Acharya Vihar Square, Jaydev Vihar Square, Xavier Square, Rail Sadan, District Centre, Damana Square, Patia Square, KIIT Square, Nandan Vihar, Raghunathpur, Nanadankanan Zoological Park, Phulapokhari and Trisulia Square.
The MoU for the Bhubaneswar Metro Rail Corporation was signed with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation for the project. The metro rail tracks and stations will be on elevated viaducts, an official release said.
The Bhubaneswar Metro Rail Corporation has signed a contract with the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for the construction of the metro railway from Biju Patnaik International Airport to Trishulia. The DMRC will execute the project as a turn-key consultant and charge a fee of Rs 326.56 crore.
On the occasion of the Utkal Divas on April 1, 2023, Patnaik had announced the Metro rail project. The state Cabinet approved the phase-I of the project at a cost of Rs 6,255 crore in November 2023.
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