Bolangir (Odisha): A heart-wrenching incident has been reported from Bhaludunguri village of Odisha's Bolangir district where a body of a Covid-19 victim was carried on a bicycle for last rites.
In a video, a man was seen carrying his father's body on a bicycle for cremation after relatives didn’t turn up fearing infection.
According to reports, Ayodhya Sahoo had succumbed to Covid-19 at Khaprakhol health center and his family members and relatives refused to assist his son with the cremation.
Damodar Sahoo carried the body wrapped in polythene on his cycle for two kilometers to a nearby forest where he conducted the last rites.
Meanwhile, local administration or police haven't responded yet, but it is time, in the midst of the Covid battle we also think of ways to eradicate the stigma.
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