Jharsuguda (Odisha): Former Vice-Chancellor of Sambalpur University professor Dhrubaraj Nayak was allegedly killed at his residence at Sargiguda in Jharsuguda district on Sunday. The reason behind the attack is still unclear. However, a detailed investigation has been launched by the Laikera police in presence of Jharsuguda Superintendent of Police Bikas Chandra Das into the matter. The 20-year-old accused, Prabin Dharua, who hails from the village has been arrested from the nearest jungle and the police are interrogating him. According to the SP, the accused had reportedly stormed into Nayak's residence at around 11:30 am today. He then reportedly asked for Rs 100. After Nayak's refused to give him Rs 100, Prabin Dharua attacked Nayak with an axe and fled the spot, the police said.
"Nayak, who was an environmentalist, had created a jungle in the village. There was some dispute relating to a pond and cutting trees with some villagers and a case is pending in Laikera police station in this regard. The police is investigating this angle also," said the SP. Nayak, who sustained critical injuries in the attack by the miscreant, was immediately rushed to a private hospital in the district where he was declared brought dead by doctors. The SP further informed, "The youth entered the bedroom of the house. At that time, Nayak was not present at home. Later, when he confronted the youth for trespassing into the house, he attacked him."
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