Bhubaneswar: A high voltage drama unfolded outside the Odisha Assembly on Tuesday as a couple from Jadupur village of Nayagarh district allegedly attempted to commit suicide in front of the main gate of the House.
The couple, identified as Soudamini Sahu and Ashok Sahu, attempted self-immolation in front of the heavily guarded main gate.
Security personnel deployed outside the Odisha Assembly successfully thwarted the self-immolation bid by the couple. The cops also seized the diesel bottle and a matchbox from them.
The couple alleged the police have not taken any action on their complaint about the kidnap and murder of their five-year-old daughter.
The couple alleged that Minister Arun Sahu is shielding the accused in the incident.
The 5-year-old daughter of the couple was kidnapped in July and later the girl’s skeletal remains were recovered from the backyard of the Sahu residence on July 20.