Jajpur (Odisha): A shocking incident occurred in the Jajpur district's Ludapani village under the Sukinda police station when authorities exhumed a body from the grave after receiving a complaint from Gita Nayak, the deceased's wife. The disturbing information came to light after Gita Nayak complained to the Sukinda police station when she came to knot that a post-mortem report is mandatory to claim the insurance benefits. However, this prompted a police investigation into the incident.
Prahallad Nayak passed away on December 7 due to injuries he sustained in an accident involving an unknown vehicle close to Ampoba. Even though Prahallad was critically ill, his family did not provide the police with any information about his tragic death. He died while undergoing treatment at Sukinda Community Health Centre and the body was handed over to his family without post-mortem. The family then laid him to rest in their village without conducting a post-mortem.
But Prahallad's wife, Gita Nayak, was forced to act when she realised how important it was to have a post-mortem report for insurance claims and government assistance in accident deaths. Following the filing of an official complaint, Prahallad's body was exhumed from its resting place by Sukinda Police and Sukinda tahsildar Damayanti Sahu. After exhuming, the mortal remains were sent for an autopsy. On the other hand, the incident is currently has become a topic of discussion across the district.
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