Mumbai: A case has been registered in the Goregaon police station on Friday against a man for allegedly sending abusive audio clips and rape threats to the actress and social media sensation Urfi Javed. The accused, identified as Naveen Giri, also allegedly threatened to kill the social media influencer. On Thursday, taking to Twitter, Urfi Javed wrote, "I’ve been receiving rape and death threats from this man every day from new numbers. Unfortunately, I’m not in India so I can’t file an official complaint and can’t do anything but here is his photo to make everyone aware of this guy @MumbaiPolice @CPMumbaiPolice".
Also read: 'Bigg Boss OTT' fame Urfi Javed slams makers for having Sajid Khan on the show
She also shared a photo of the accused and a screenshot of the abusive message he had sent to her. The Mumbai police responded to her tweet and contacted her through Twitter.