Solapur: Two vendors were arrested by the police for selling balloons with pro-Pakistan slogans written on them in Maharashtra's Solapur on Thursday. The vendor identified as Ajay Pawar and Shivaji Pawar were found selling balloons in front of the Shahi Alamgir Eidgah Maidan. People, who had assembled at the Eidgah Maidan, to offer prayers on the occasion of Bakrid noticed the vendor. The Muslim faithful caught the two vendors and handed them over to the police.
The Muslim faithful, along with children, had gathered at the spot to offer Namaz on the occasion of Bakrid, were taken aback when they saw the vendor selling balloons with pro-Pakistan slogans written on them. Slogans such as "I belong to Pakistan", "Pakistan Love" and others were written on these balloons.
People belonging to the Muslim community caught the two vendors and handed them over to the police. The accused was handed over to Bijapur Naka police. People at the Eidgah Maidan were saying that someone hatched a conspiracy to defame the Muslim community on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.
On receiving the information, All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) leader Riyaz Syed immediately rushed to Bijapur Naka Police Station and discussed the incident with the police officials. "It was a conspiracy to defame the Muslim community," he said. Police launched an investigation. Inspector Hanpude Patil said that the AIMIM leader visited the police station and discussed the matter with us. Solapur deputy commissioner Vijay Kabade said, "We have detained two vendors Ajay Pawar and Shivaji for selling pro-Pakistani balloons. They were being grilled. The supplier of these balloons was also arrested by the police."