Mumbai: Shiv Sena (UBT) faction leader Uddhav Thackeray on Monday moved the Supreme Court demanding a stay on the Election Commission's decision to allot party name and symbol to Eknath Shinde's faction. The apex court has asked the lawyer to mention the application before the court tomorrow. In a petition filed by the Thackeray group in the Supreme Court, it alleged that the EC's decision was wrong and blamed that many aspects were ignored. It requested the court to give a stay on the Commission's decision. Now, all eyes are on the court's verdict.
The Election Commission recently ended the Shiv Sena controversy by recognising the Shinde faction as the real Shiv Sena. Thackeray criticised the Commission's decisions and raised objections to them. He then said that they would appeal before the Supreme Court against its decision. Accordingly, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court against the Commission today and attention was drawn to the decision.
Thackeray said that the Commission's decision to strip Shiv Sena of its party and symbol will violate the democratic path. In the petition, he said that the Commission's decision to terminate the Shiv Sena's amended constitution of 2018 as undemocratic was not lawful and the executive appointment was done as per the law. Evidence was submitted to the Commission in this connection. The petition further stated that all office bearers were in favour of the Thackeray group.
Read also: Case filed against MP Sanjay Raut for remarks over Shiv Sena name, symbol row
Thackeray said that the Election Commission took its decision as on the number of elected MLAs and MPs. When two factions have a dispute, the party and symbol are frozen. However, for the first time in the history of the country, the Election Commission has taken an unfair decision, he opined. The petition stated the decision will tarnish democracy and law. The hearing on this matter will begin tomorrow. The Thackeray group has demanded that their petition be included in the working method. The Supreme Court has asked the Thackeray group's lawyer to mention it tomorrow while the latter has sought an urgent hearing.