Kolhapur (Maharashtra) : In this age of mobile phones and laptops, even children are moving away from sports and games. At such a time, some schools are coming out with fun-based outdoor games to attract the students to do some physical activity. Towards this objective, the Uttur Vidyalaya located at Uttur in Azra taluk of Kolhapur district organized a mud festival for its students.
The mud festival was held in the field in front of the high school. The students enjoyed themselves a lot in this outdoor activity even as their teachers also joined in this exercise-oriented fun game. Around 250 students and teachers participated enthusiastically and enjoyed playing with others in mud. They also played tug-of-war in the slippery mud.
This mud festival was inaugurated by the principal of the school, Shailendra Amangi. Speaking about the mud festival, he told the students about the importance of their soil and wished the students the best of the festival. After the formal opening program, the students enjoyed playing in the mud. The students danced in the mud to the tune of music and also played games like tug of war, football, etc.
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In today's busy daily life and modern technology era, students are playing games on mobile instead of going out, due to which many students are forgetting their traditional games, besides sitting in one place and playing games on mobile is not good for the physical health of students, so students in our school should go out from their traditional games.
For information, Mud Festival is celebrated in Uttur Vidyalaya every year during the rainy season. Mud is prepared in front of the school for boys and girls in different mud fields in which students play happily. Students can play the game they like for as long as they want. As everyone is covered in mud from head to toe, the students not knowing each other are engrossed in the game as well as physical exercise.