Nanded: Police have registered a case against Shinde Faction MP Hemant Patil after he made the Dean of the Medical College in Maharashtra's Nanded district as a “punishment” over the death of 31 patients in the last two days, officials said. Sub divisional police officer (SDPO) Sushil Kumar Nayak informed that the case has been registered by the Nanded Rural Police on Wednesday morning under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) under charges of criminal intimidation and defamation, among others, the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, and the Maharashtra Medicare Service Persons and Medicare Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage or Loss to Property) Act.
Also read: Dean made to clean toilet by MP in Maharashtra hospital where 31 died in 36 hours
The case was registered on Wednesday morning following a complaint by Dr Shyamrao Wakode, the acting dean of the Dr Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College and Hospital against Sena MP Hemant Patil. On Tuesday, Patil made the Dean clean the toilets of the medical college where at least 31 patient deaths were reported in last two days.
While Patil asked the Dean to clean the toilets, his aides shot the video of the incident and widely circulated it on the social media. Shiv Sena's Shinde faction MP Hemant Patil had on Tuesday visited the Government Hospital after the death of 31 patients at the hospital. Sources said that during his visit to the hospital, MP Hemant Patil got angry at the unsanitary condition of the hospital and asked Dean S R Wakode to clean the toilets.
The incident caused an uproar among the supporters of the Dean who demanded an apology from the MP for the “misbehaviour”. The MARD asked MP Hemant Patil to apologize for the act failing which they will launch an agitation.