Pune: The investigating officials have found that the Rs 1 Cr robbed from vaccine manufacturer "Serum Institute of India" (SII) has been transferred to banks in five different states.
The fraud has been done online by sending messages in the name of its Chief Executive Officer Adar Poonawalla and asking for a transfer of money. A case has been registered in this regard at Bundagarden police station. The fraud unfolded between the afternoons of Wednesday and Thursday, said an official of Bundgarden police station.
Also read: Woman defrauded of Rs 15 lakh by Instagram friend in Hyderabad
The money has been transferred to states including West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Kerala, and Madhya Pradesh. Senior Police Inspector Pratap Manekar of Bundagarden Police Station said that the money had gone to accounts in ICCI, HDFC, SBI, and IDFC banks.