Nagpur (Maharashtra): The investigating teams turned to Google to solve the murder mystery of the Bharatiya Janata Party's Minority Cell functionary Sana Khan. The police said that even after almost 25 days, the police have failed to recover the body of Sana Khan. To investigate the case technically, the investigating teams will seek help from Google.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Rahul Madane said, "Sana Khan's mobile phone may reveal many secrets, which will help the investigating teams, to solve this murder mystery. The cops are now searching for her mobile phone so that the data like call details or text messages can be retrieved. This will be helpful for us to find the body." "Sana Khan's mobile phone will be very important evidence in this case", Rahul Madane added.
He further said "The accused may have destroyed Sana Khan's mobile phone, but it is very important for us to find it to solve the case as soon as possible. We also need to recover the body of the deceased for further investigation into the case. If we are able to locate Khan's mobile phone, we can also locate her body."
The police said that earlier, Madhya Pradesh Congress MLA Sanjay Sharma was interrogated by the police in Nagpur after they found Sharma's connection with Sana Khan's accused husband Amit Sahu alias Pappu. During the investigation, police found that Amit Sahu and Sanjay Sharma used to work together 15 years ago. But, during the interrogation, Sharma said that he had no contact with Sahu since they left their job.
Amit Sahu told the investigators that he killed Sana Khan by hitting her with a stick in his house and later dumped the body in a river. Apart from Amit Sahu, two other men identified as Ramesh Singh and Dharmendra Yadav from Jabalpur have been arrested in this case.
Also read: 'Dumped her body in river': BJP leader Sana Khan murdered by her 'husband' Amit Sahu